Your Short Link
The one of many... The only one in many respects.
Links in system:  3768 Password locked:  0 Added today:  8
With description:  3741 Links in TOP:  3645 Jumps today:  732
Commented:  3720 Self-destruction:  0 Total jumps:  1.47 M
Private links:  77 Spam compliants:  4 Suspended:  63

Add a new link

A simple short address with a shortcut on the link. You can edit your link and add useful options to it.

Link setting is possible only from your profile. Return to us using Your unique address.
Drag and drop this link (Short URL) to the bookmarks bar of Your browser to shorten the addresses of current pages in one click and create a QR-code on them with a single click. Settings allow You to select unique options for your short link:
  • a private link gets an instant hop to the address You specify with no-referrer;
  • add or change the name of the link and description to it, that is, use and store the link as a bookmark on our site;
  • protect the link with a password, then to go through it the user will have to enter your password;
  • close (freeze) the link: it will remain in the bookmarks, but transitions on it will become impossible for others;
  • open the description of the link for everyone so that anyone can see Your text before going to the address;
  • receive user comments and communicate on the page of Your link;
  • include self-destruction of references on the specified date or after a certain number of hops on it;
  • an open link will be able to participate in TOP links by several criteria;
  • an open link can be found in the Search for Short Link Service;

  • all can edit their links;
  • all can delete their links;
  • everyone can get statistics of their links;
  • each link has a QR code that can be scanned;
  • QR-code and data of your link can be obtained by e-mail;
  • a list of all your links can be obtained by e-mail;
  • full functionality of the service is possible only after payment.

What can I do:

Functionality is limited
Full functionality of the "Your Short Link" service is possible only after payment. Thank You for using our service.


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