Your Short Link
The one of many... The only one in many respects.
Links in system:  3718 Password locked:  0 Added today:  0
With description:  3692 Links in TOP:  3595 Jumps today:  2939
Commented:  3670 Self-destruction:  0 Total jumps:  813.37 K
Private links:  77 Spam compliants:  2 Suspended:  63

Premium account payment

What You get after payment:

  • short message becomes even shorter — the link ID contains only three characters (;
  • the link can be disabled temporarily or permanently for other users, but leave it for Yourself as a bookmark;
  • edit the names and descriptions of short links for the pages You and users are navigating to;
  • enable and disable instant jumping by links, managing the privacy / publicity of the link;
  • turn on, turn off and delete comments on pages of Your short links;
  • enable or disable the participation of Your short links in the TOP, which is built according to several types of sorting;
  • use passwords to protect Your links from unauthorized visits by other users;
  • specify the date OR / AND the number of hits on Your links, after which the link is disconnected and becomes inoperable temporarily or permanently;
  • You will have access to conversion statistics for Your links with the pages from which users came;
  • in the statistics of Your links will earn a sample of several dozens of conditions.

Thank You for using our service.

What can I do:

Functionality is limited
Full functionality of the "Your Short Link" service is possible only after payment. Thank You for using our service.

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