Title: Free Software Webmail Systems
Description: This page is a place to find and share resources for people interested in doing their email on the Web without compromising their freedom. There are a variety of good choices for free software webmail. Whether the server itself runs nonfree software is a different issue. Nonfree software running on the server infringes the freedom of the server operator, but not yours; therefore, it is a secondary issue. We note here that some server operators say they run exclusively free software; you might choose one of them to reward their support for the community. We don't know of any surefire way to evaluate a mail service for privacy, since any such service could be handing mail data massively to some government, and there is no way to detect this from outside. We do know that specific companies providing webmail services were named as part of the PRISM NSA spying revelations: Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, and AOL. We also know that some smaller companies, like Lavabit, were pressured to turn over information.
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